Monday, February 14, 2011

Oleh-Oleh Keladi (Kang Kao Puek)

2 cups wheat flour
2 teaspoons salt
4 tablespoons Palm oil
4 tablespoons butter
4 teaspoons sugar
1 cup yam meat - steamed and ground

1 cups grated coconut
2 cups prawn meat - chopped
1 tablespoon coriander roots and pepper - ground
1 tablespoon kaffir lime leaves - shredded
1 tablespoon Palm oil
4 teaspoons sugar and salt for seasoning

Cold Sauce:
2 red chilies finely ground
1 shallot
1 tablespoon salt
4 tablespoons vinegar
2 tablespoons sugar
1 small cucumber - sliced & quartered

1. Mix flour and yam together, knead until smooth. Mold the mixture into ball shape of about 1" in diameter. Covers with a damp muslin clothe and set aside.
2. Mix grated coconut together with prawn meat.
3. Heat oil in wok and fry the prawn meat with coriander roots and ground pepper until cooked. Season with sugar and salt. Sprinkles with kaffir lime leaves and mix well. Remove from the heat, lift out and let cool.
4. Put all the sauce ingredients in a saucepan and boil until sugar and salt dissolve and the sauce thickens. Remove from the heat.
5. Spread out each ball of yam and flour mixture and put in the filling. Make the dumpling into pyramid shape. Deep-fry in hot oil until golden and lift out.
Serve with the cold cucumber sauce.

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