Wednesday, February 26, 2014



Bahan A (Lopes Hitam)
400 gram beras pulut putih
100 gram beras pulut hitam
450ml air
50ml santan KARA
2 sdm air kapur
2 sdt garam
daun pisang untuk membungkus
3" x 9" tali/getah gelang untuk mengikat

Bahan B (Sirap nangka)
200 gram gula merah diracik
50 gram gula pasir
400 ml air
3 helai daun pandan
1 ulas nangka potong dadu

Bahan C
1/2 biji kelapa parut putih
1/2 sdt garam


Lopes: Rendam beras pulut hitam dan putih selama 4 jam. Toskan. Masukkan air, air kapur dan garam, gaul hingga rata dan kukus selama 30 minit hingga masak. Angkat. Ambil sehelai daun pisang, buat bentuk kon tigasegi, masukkan pulut ke dalam daun pisang hingga penuh, tekan padat. Bungkus dan ikat dengan tali erat-erat. Buat sehingga habis. Guna 2 kon daun pisang untuk membungkus

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Easy Pop Corn

Glass bowl + ceramic plate + popcorn kernels = perfectly popped popcorn in the microwave.

No bag. No butter or oil. Nothing to throw away afterward. And even no un-popped kernels.

This is life-changing.

Take 1/4 cup of dry popcorn kernels and place in the bottom of a microwave-safe glass bowl (pyrex is a great choice). Place a microwave-safe plate on top of the bowl. Plate should be wide enough to go beyond the rim of the bowl.

Microwave for 2 minutes 45 seconds. Watch in glory as your popcorn pops perfectly into little puffs of heaven.
